This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in Sacramento.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in Sacramento.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 2 points higher than Sacramento's 49.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, Sacramento's score is 34. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, Sacramento's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to Sacramento, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Parkway, South Natomas and Del Paso Heights in Sacramento.
Brightmoor is similar to Sundance Lake, Robla and Little Pocket in Sacramento.
Brooks is similar to Tahoe South Park, East Del Paso Heights and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Burbank is similar to Tahoe Park, Tallac Village and Northgate in Sacramento.
Central is similar to East Sacramento, Lawrence Park and North City Farms in Sacramento.
Cerveny is similar to Golf Course Terrace, Brentwood and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Chadsey-Condominiums is similar to South Hagginwood, Avondale and Gardenland in Sacramento.
Chene is similar to Upper Land Park, Tahoe Park East and Natomas Crossing in Sacramento.
Cody-Rouge is similar to Oak Knoll, East Del Paso Heights and Tahoe South Park in Sacramento.
Coleman A. Young International Airport is similar to East Del Paso Heights, Oak Knoll and Upper Land Park in Sacramento.
Conner is similar to Golf Course Terrace, Riverlake and Glen Elder in Sacramento.
Denby is similar to Noralto, Golf Course Terrace and Tallac Village in Sacramento.
Downtown is similar to Med Center, Curtis Park and Midtown in Sacramento.
Durfee is similar to Tahoe Park, Tahoe South Park and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Evergreen is similar to Brentwood, Glen Elder and Tahoe South Park in Sacramento.
Finney is similar to Fruitridge Manor, Woodbine and Elmhurst in Sacramento.
Gold Coast is similar to Gardenland, South Hagginwood and Colonial Heights in Sacramento.
Grandmont is similar to Tahoe South Park, South East and Parkway in Sacramento.
Greenfield is similar to Woodbine, Parkway and Del Paso Heights in Sacramento.
Harmony Village is similar to Tahoe South Park, South East and Avondale in Sacramento.
Indian Village is similar to Freeport Manor, Land Park and Lawrence Park in Sacramento.
Jeffries is similar to Land Park, Upper Land Park and Gardenland in Sacramento.
Joseph Barry Historic District is similar to Richardson Village, Noralto and South Land Park Terrace in Sacramento.
Kettering-butzel is similar to Elmhurst, Woodbine and Freeport Manor in Sacramento.
Mack is similar to Hagginwood, Golf Course Terrace and Creekside in Sacramento.
Mackenzie is similar to Riverlake, Meadowview and Glen Elder in Sacramento.
Marina District is similar to East Del Paso Heights, Upper Land Park and Oak Knoll in Sacramento.
Mcnichols is similar to Meadowview, Riverlake and Brentwood in Sacramento.
Osborn is similar to Tahoe South Park, Tahoe Park and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Palmer Park is similar to Hagginwood, Brentwood and Creekside in Sacramento.
Pembroke is similar to Golf Course Terrace, Hagginwood and Brentwood in Sacramento.
Pershing is similar to Tahoe South Park, East Del Paso Heights and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.
Redford is similar to East Del Paso Heights, Brentwood and Oak Knoll in Sacramento.
Rosa Parks is similar to Campus Commons, California State University-Sacramento and East Sacramento in Sacramento.
Rosedale Park is similar to Hagginwood, Golf Course Terrace and Brentwood in Sacramento.
St. Jean is similar to Hagginwood, Riverlake and Brentwood in Sacramento.
State Fair-Nolan is similar to East Del Paso Heights, Brentwood and Tahoe Park in Sacramento.
Tireman is similar to Oak Knoll, Meadowview and Riverlake in Sacramento.
University is similar to Midtown, Curtis Park and Med Center in Sacramento.
Vernor is similar to Freeport Manor, Land Park and Fruitridge Manor in Sacramento.
Winter Halter is similar to Tahoe South Park, East Del Paso Heights and South Hagginwood in Sacramento.