This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in Milwaukee.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in Milwaukee.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 11 points lower than Milwaukee's 62.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, Milwaukee's score is 49. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, Milwaukee's score is 58.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Bluemound Heights, Silver Spring and St. Joseph's in Milwaukee.
Belle Isle is similar to Brown Deer Park in Milwaukee.
Less Similar
More Similar
Brightmoor is similar to Riverton Heights, Graceland and Bradley Estates in Milwaukee.
Brooks is similar to Euclid Park, Bluemound Heights and Lindsay Park in Milwaukee.
Burbank is similar to West View, Euclid Park and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Central is similar to Fairview, Triangle North and St. Aemilian's in Milwaukee.
Cerveny is similar to Johnson's Woods, Euclid Park and West View in Milwaukee.
Chadsey-Condominiums is similar to Bluemound Heights, Southpoint and Lindsay Park in Milwaukee.
Chene is similar to Fair Park, Servite Woods and Mount Mary in Milwaukee.
Cody-Rouge is similar to Euclid Park, Tripou Park and Gra-Ram in Milwaukee.
Coleman A. Young International Airport is similar to Tripou Park, Copernicus Park and Servite Woods in Milwaukee.
Conner is similar to Gra-Ram, Valhalla and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Denby is similar to Highwood Estates, Woodland Court and Hawley Farms in Milwaukee.
Downtown is similar to Walker's Point, Harawbee and Downer Woods in Milwaukee.
Durfee is similar to Lindsay Park, Euclid Park and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Evergreen is similar to Euclid Park, Johnson's Woods and Lindsay Park in Milwaukee.
Finney is similar to St. Aemilian's, Borchert Field and Silver Spring in Milwaukee.
Gold Coast is similar to Bluemound Heights, Southpoint and Claytown Crest in Milwaukee.
Grandmont is similar to Silverswan, Euclid Park and Lindsay Park in Milwaukee.
Greenfield is similar to Silver Spring, Morgandale and Borchert Field in Milwaukee.
Harmony Village is similar to Euclid Park, Lindsay Park and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Indian Village is similar to Triangle, Claytown Crest and Fair Park in Milwaukee.
Jefferson Chalmers is similar to Rolling Green, Wedgewood and Alcott Park in Milwaukee.
Jeffries is similar to Claytown Crest, Bluemound Heights and Williamsburg Heights in Milwaukee.
Joseph Barry Historic District is similar to Honey Creek Manor, Hawley Farms and Cooper Park in Milwaukee.
Kettering-butzel is similar to Silver Spring, Borchert Field and St. Aemilian's in Milwaukee.
Mack is similar to Gra-Ram, Town of Lake and Goldman Park in Milwaukee.
Mackenzie is similar to Gra-Ram, Euclid Park and Town and Country Manor in Milwaukee.
Marina District is similar to Green Moor, Fair Park and Estabrook Park in Milwaukee.
Mcnichols is similar to Town and Country Manor, Euclid Park and Bradley Estates in Milwaukee.
Osborn is similar to Lindsay Park, Euclid Park and Johnson's Woods in Milwaukee.
Palmer Park is similar to Town of Lake, Goldman Park and Gra-Ram in Milwaukee.
Pembroke is similar to Johnson's Woods, West View and Valhalla in Milwaukee.
Pershing is similar to Bluemound Heights, Euclid Park and Lindsay Park in Milwaukee.
Redford is similar to Gra-Ram, Euclid Park and West View in Milwaukee.
Rosa Parks is similar to Fairview, Castle Manor and Tippecanoe in Milwaukee.
Rosedale Park is similar to Johnson's Woods, West View and Euclid Park in Milwaukee.
South Conner Creek is similar to North Granville, Mitchell Field and Granville Woods in Milwaukee.
St. Jean is similar to Gra-Ram, Red Oak Heights and Town of Lake in Milwaukee.
State Fair-Nolan is similar to West View, Euclid Park and Gra-Ram in Milwaukee.
Tireman is similar to Bradley Estates, Town and Country Manor and Tripou Park in Milwaukee.
University is similar to Walker's Point, Harawbee and Avenues West in Milwaukee.
Vernor is similar to Bay View, St. Aemilian's and Claytown Crest in Milwaukee.
Winter Halter is similar to Euclid Park, Lindsay Park and Bluemound Heights in Milwaukee.