This page shows which neighborhoods in Detroit are similar to neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Rents in Detroit average $1 and are about the same as rents in Baltimore.
Detroit's Walk Score is 51, 13 points lower than Baltimore's 64.
Detroit has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Detroit has a Transit Score of 36, Baltimore's score is 53. Detroit's Bike Score is 52, Baltimore's score is 53.
Here are neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan that are similar to Baltimore, Maryland neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Bagley is similar to Frankford, New Northwood and Glenham - Bedford in Baltimore.
Brightmoor is similar to Westgate, Wakefield and Armistead Gardens in Baltimore.
Brooks is similar to Woodring, Glenham - Bedford and Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway in Baltimore.
Burbank is similar to Woodring, Idlewood and Northwest Community in Baltimore.
Central is similar to Mill Hill, Radnor - Winston and Woodbourne Heights in Baltimore.
Cerveny is similar to Idlewood, Perring Loch and Saint Joseph's in Baltimore.
Chadsey-Condominiums is similar to Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway, Glenham - Bedford and Rognel Heights in Baltimore.
Chene is similar to Claremont - Freedom, Rosemont Avenue and Moravia - Walther in Baltimore.
Cody-Rouge is similar to Armistead Gardens, Cross Country and Woodring in Baltimore.
Coleman A. Young International Airport is similar to Irvington, Moravia - Walther and Hunting Ridge in Baltimore.
Conner is similar to Yale Heights, Armistead Gardens and Perring Loch in Baltimore.
Denby is similar to Parkside, Edmondson and West Hills in Baltimore.
Downtown is similar to Fifteenth Street, Remington and Madison Park in Baltimore.
Durfee is similar to Woodring, Idlewood and New Northwood in Baltimore.
Evergreen is similar to Idlewood, Armistead Gardens and Perring Loch in Baltimore.
Finney is similar to Evergreen, Belair - Edison and Brooklyn in Baltimore.
Gold Coast is similar to Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway, Glenham - Bedford and Rognel Heights in Baltimore.
Grandmont is similar to New Northwood, Frankford and Hillen in Baltimore.
Greenfield is similar to Brooklyn, Frankford and Belair - Edison in Baltimore.
Harmony Village is similar to Idlewood, Woodring and Saint Joseph's in Baltimore.
Indian Village is similar to Roland Park, Westfield and Saint Agnes in Baltimore.
Jefferson Chalmers is similar to West Forest Park in Baltimore.
Less Similar
More Similar
Jeffries is similar to Cedmont, Ramblewood and Homeland in Baltimore.
Joseph Barry Historic District is similar to O'Donnell Heights, West Hills and Howard Park in Baltimore.
Kettering-butzel is similar to Brooklyn, Westfield and Broening in Baltimore.
Mack is similar to Cross Country, Wilson Heights and Howard Park in Baltimore.
Mackenzie is similar to Armistead Gardens, Cross Country and Yale Heights in Baltimore.
Marina District is similar to Hunting Ridge, New North Roland Park - Poplar Hill and Moravia - Walther in Baltimore.
Mcnichols is similar to Armistead Gardens, Yale Heights and Cross Country in Baltimore.
Osborn is similar to Woodring, Idlewood and New Northwood in Baltimore.
Palmer Park is similar to Medford, Wilson Heights and Howard Park in Baltimore.
Pembroke is similar to Idlewood, Perring Loch and Uplands in Baltimore.
Pershing is similar to Glenham - Bedford, Frankford and Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway in Baltimore.
Redford is similar to Cross Country, Armistead Gardens and Idlewood in Baltimore.
Rosa Parks is similar to Mid-Charles, Loch Raven and Broening in Baltimore.
Rosedale Park is similar to Idlewood, Perring Loch and Uplands in Baltimore.
South Conner Creek is similar to Dickeyville, Taylor Heights and Gwynns Falls Park in Baltimore.
St. Jean is similar to Medford, Cross Country and Armistead Gardens in Baltimore.
State Fair-Nolan is similar to Woodring, Forest Park and Idlewood in Baltimore.
Tireman is similar to Westgate, Armistead Gardens and Cross Country in Baltimore.
University is similar to Fifteenth Street, Oakenshawe and Hampden in Baltimore.
Vernor is similar to Westfield, Cedmont and Radnor - Winston in Baltimore.
Winter Halter is similar to Mount Holly, Woodring and Glenham - Bedford in Baltimore.