This page shows which neighborhoods in Denver are similar to neighborhoods in San Jose.
Rents in Denver average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Jose.
Denver's Walk Score is 61, 10 points higher than San Jose's 51.
Denver has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Denver has a Transit Score of 45, San Jose's score is 40. Denver's Bike Score is 72, San Jose's score is 62.
Here are neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado that are similar to San Jose, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Athmar Park is similar to Makati, Ohlone and Forest-Pruneridge in San Jose.
Baker is similar to Sunol-Midtown, Alvin-Burdette and Garden Alameda in San Jose.
Barnum is similar to Roberts-Walnut Woods, Meridian-Pedro and Eastside in San Jose.
Barnum West is similar to Fenton-McCollan, Everydale-Neimen and Hammer in San Jose.
Bear Valley is similar to Yum Yum, Bucknall and Dovehill in San Jose.
Belcaro is similar to Country Lane, Cambrian and Farnam in San Jose.
Berkeley is similar to Bonnett, Calabazas North and Makati in San Jose.
Chaffee Park is similar to Erikson, Mitty and Willow Glen in San Jose.
Cheesman Park is similar to David-Rosemary, Edge and Magliocco-Huff in San Jose.
Cherry Creek is similar to Downtown, Garden Alameda and Alvin-Burdette in San Jose.
City Park is similar to Shasta Hanchette Park, Broadway-Palmhaven and Anne Darling in San Jose.
City Park West is similar to Downtown and Garden Alameda in San Jose.
Clayton is similar to Brush Glen, Carmine-Parkmont and Baton Rouge in San Jose.
Cole is similar to Tamien, David-Rosemary and Washington-Guadalupe in San Jose.
College View is similar to Del Robles, Stallion-Shadowsprings and Willow Glen in San Jose.