This page shows which neighborhoods in Denver are similar to neighborhoods in Omaha.
Rents in Denver average $1 and are about the same as rents in Omaha.
Denver's Walk Score is 61, 13 points higher than Omaha's 48.
Denver has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Denver has a Transit Score of 45, Omaha's score is 24. Denver's Bike Score is 72, Omaha's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado that are similar to Omaha, Nebraska neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Athmar Park is similar to Dodge Street Corridor, Montclair and Dundee - Memorial Park in Omaha.
Baker is similar to Park East, Pacific - Leavenworth and Elmwood Park in Omaha.
Barnum is similar to Monmouth Park, Highland Park and Field Club in Omaha.
Barnum West is similar to Clairmont Heights, Military Avenue and Waverly Park in Omaha.
Bear Valley is similar to Lee Valley, Hillsborough and Hanscom Park in Omaha.
Belcaro is similar to Elmwood Park, Pacific - Leavenworth and Walnut Hill in Omaha.
Berkeley is similar to Dodge Street Corridor, Vinton Street and Walnut Hill in Omaha.
Capitol Hill is similar to Old Market and Gifford Park in Omaha.
Chaffee Park is similar to Benson Gardens, Montclair and Westgate in Omaha.
Cheesman Park is similar to Leavenworth, Market West and Joslyn Castle in Omaha.
Cherry Creek is similar to Park East, Blackstone and Gifford Park in Omaha.
City Park is similar to Dodge Street Corridor, Walnut Hill and Vinton Street in Omaha.
City Park West is similar to Old Market, Gifford Park and Park East in Omaha.
Clayton is similar to Montclair, Columbus Park and Morton Meadows in Omaha.
Cole is similar to Leavenworth, Joslyn Castle and Underwood Avenue in Omaha.