This page shows which neighborhoods in Denver are similar to other neighborhoods in Denver.
Denver's Walk Score is 61.
Denver has some public transportation and is very bikeable. Denver has a Transit Score of 45. Denver's Bike Score is 72.
Here are neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado and other neighborhoods that are similar to them.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Athmar Park is similar to University Park, Clayton and Washington Virginia Vale in Denver.
Baker is similar to Jefferson Park, Valverde and Rosedale in Denver.
Barnum is similar to Westwood, Whittier and East Colfax in Denver.
Barnum West is similar to Villa Park, East Colfax and Mar Lee in Denver.
Bear Valley is similar to Harvey Park South, Indian Creek and Windsor in Denver.
Belcaro is similar to Park Hill, Ruby Hill and Washington Virginia Vale in Denver.
Berkeley is similar to Country Club, Sunnyside and West Highland in Denver.
Capitol Hill is similar to City Park West and Downtown in Denver.
Chaffee Park is similar to Washington Park, Hampden and Regis in Denver.
Cheesman Park is similar to Congress Park, Cole and Speer in Denver.
Cherry Creek is similar to Hale, City Park West and Lincoln Park in Denver.
City Park is similar to Country Club, Platt Park and Berkeley in Denver.
City Park West is similar to Cherry Creek, Hale and Capitol Hill in Denver.
Clayton is similar to Montclair, Athmar Park and University Park in Denver.
Cole is similar to Platt Park, Congress Park and Highland in Denver.