This page shows which neighborhoods in Columbus are similar to neighborhoods in Las Vegas.
Rents in Columbus average $1 and are about the same as rents in Las Vegas.
Columbus's Walk Score is 41, 1 points lower than Las Vegas's 42.
Columbus has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Columbus has a Transit Score of 30, Las Vegas's score is 36. Columbus's Bike Score is 48, Las Vegas's score is 46.
Here are neighborhoods in Columbus, Ohio that are similar to Las Vegas, Nevada neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Broadleigh is similar to Peccole Ranch, Richfield and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Cumberland Ridge is similar to Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Less Similar
More Similar
Downtown is similar to Arts District and Gateway District in Las Vegas.
Hayden Falls is similar to Desert Shores, Sun City Summerlin and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Italian Village is similar to Beverly Green, West Huntridge and Crestwood in Las Vegas.
Maize-Morse is similar to Richfield, Peccole Ranch and Crestwood in Las Vegas.
Olde Sawmill is similar to Peccole Ranch, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Olde Town East is similar to Gateway District, Downtown and Beverly Green in Las Vegas.
Short North is similar to Downtown, Beverly Green and Gateway District in Las Vegas.
Slate Hill is similar to The Section Seven, Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Smoky Mill Estates is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
South Central Hilltop is similar to Paul Culley, Charleston Preservation West and Upland Alta in Las Vegas.
Summit View Woods is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Tuttle West is similar to Mira Villas and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Victorian Village is similar to Beverly Green, Meadows and Crestwood in Las Vegas.