This page shows which neighborhoods in Cleveland are similar to neighborhoods in San Jose.
Rents in Cleveland average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Jose.
Cleveland's Walk Score is 57, 6 points higher than San Jose's 51.
Cleveland has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Cleveland has a Transit Score of 44, San Jose's score is 40. Cleveland's Bike Score is 52, San Jose's score is 62.
Here are neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio that are similar to San Jose, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Brooklyn - Centre is similar to Del Mar, Downing-Whitethorne and Hathaway in San Jose.
Buckeye - Shaker is similar to David-Rosemary, Bonita-24th and Buena Vista in San Jose.
Central is similar to Alvin-Burdette, Bascom-Forest and Vermont-McKendrie in San Jose.
Clark - Fulton is similar to McKinley, Trade Winds and La Pala South in San Jose.
Corlett is similar to Kennedy, Evans and Lone Bluff in San Jose.
Cudell is similar to Buena Vista, Brush Glen and Ohlone in San Jose.
Detroit - Shoreway is similar to Anne Darling, Tamien and Shasta Hanchette Park in San Jose.
Edgewater is similar to Buena Vista, Tamien and Brush Glen in San Jose.
Euclid - Green is similar to Pacheco, Sierramont and Avenida Espana in San Jose.
Fairfax is similar to Greylands, The Villas and Bascom-Forest in San Jose.
Forest Hills is similar to Thunderbird, Meadow Fair and Brooktree in San Jose.
Glenville is similar to Canoas Garden, Evans and Lone Bluff in San Jose.
Goodrich - Kirtland Park is similar to Bascom-Forest, The Villas and Clovercrest-Glen Brae in San Jose.
Hough is similar to Downing-Whitethorne, Del Mar and Alexian in San Jose.
Industrial Valley is similar to San Ramon in San Jose.
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