This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
Rents in Charlotte average $1 and are about the same as rents in Philadelphia.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26, 49 points lower than Philadelphia's 75.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27, Philadelphia's score is 67. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31, Philadelphia's score is 67.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina that are similar to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Ashbrook - Clawson Village is similar to Bustleton, Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Ashley Park is similar to Somerton, Torresdale and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Barclay Downs is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Rhawnhurst and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Beatties Ford - Trinity is similar to Somerton in Philadelphia.
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Belmont is similar to East Parkside, Cedarbrook - Stenton and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Biddleville is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Briarcreek - Woodland is similar to Bustleton, Cedarbrook - Stenton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Brookhill is similar to Lawncrest, Rhawnhurst and Juniata Park - Feltonville in Philadelphia.
Chantilly is similar to East Parkside, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Cherry is similar to Lawncrest, Mantua and Port Richmond in Philadelphia.
Clanton Park - Roseland is similar to Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Closeburn - Glenkirk is similar to Bustleton, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Coliseum Drive is similar to Roxborough, Somerton and Northeast Philadelphia in Philadelphia.
College Downs is similar to Bustleton, Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Collingwood is similar to Bustleton, Torresdale and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Colonial Village is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Rhawnhurst and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Commonwealth is similar to Bridesburg, West Mount Airy and Roxborough in Philadelphia.
Cotswold is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Druid Hills North is similar to Northeast Philadelphia in Philadelphia.
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Druid Hills South is similar to Roxborough, Bustleton and East Parkside in Philadelphia.
East Forest is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Eastover is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and Roxborough in Philadelphia.
Eastway is similar to Somerton, Torresdale and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Echo Hills is similar to Northeast Philadelphia, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Elizabeth is similar to Rhawnhurst and Lawncrest in Philadelphia.
Enderly Park is similar to Bustleton, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
First Ward is similar to Avenue of the Arts North, University City and Fairmount - Art Museum in Philadelphia.
Fourth Ward is similar to Fairmount - Art Museum, Avenue of the Arts North and Spruce Hill in Philadelphia.
Foxcroft is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Freedom Park is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Bustleton and Holmesburg in Philadelphia.
Greenville is similar to East Parkside in Philadelphia.
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Grier Heights is similar to Torresdale, Wynnefield Heights and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Idlewild Farms is similar to Bustleton in Philadelphia.
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J.T. Williams is similar to Roxborough and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Lockwood is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Rhawnhurst and Wynnefield in Philadelphia.
Madison Park is similar to Bustleton, Torresdale and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Mineral Springs is similar to Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Montclaire South is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Myers Park is similar to Bustleton, Somerton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
North Charlotte is similar to East Mount Airy, Cedarbrook - Stenton and East Parkside in Philadelphia.
North Sharon Amity is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Oakhurst is similar to Somerton, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Olde Whitehall is similar to Somerton, Torresdale and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Optimist Park is similar to West Mount Airy, East Parkside and Bridesburg in Philadelphia.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Bustleton, East Mount Airy and Roxborough in Philadelphia.
Providence Park is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Second Ward is similar to University City, Avenue of the Arts North and West Powelton in Philadelphia.
Sedgefield is similar to Cedarbrook - Stenton, Bustleton and East Parkside in Philadelphia.
Seversville is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Shamrock is similar to East Parkside, Cedarbrook - Stenton and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Sheffield Park is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Southside Park is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Holmesburg and Fox Chase - Burholme in Philadelphia.
Starmount is similar to East Parkside and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Sterling is similar to Torresdale, Somerton and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
Sugaw Creek is similar to Torresdale, Somerton and Northeast Philadelphia in Philadelphia.
The South End is similar to Mantua, Lawncrest and Germantown in Philadelphia.
Third Ward is similar to Avenue of the Arts North, West Powelton and Mantua in Philadelphia.
Thomasboro - Hoskins is similar to Somerton, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Tryon Hills is similar to Bustleton, Fox Chase - Burholme and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
University City North is similar to Torresdale, Bustleton and Somerton in Philadelphia.
University City South is similar to Wynnefield Heights, Torresdale and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
University Park is similar to Somerton, Bustleton and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Villa Heights is similar to East Parkside, Cedarbrook - Stenton and East Mount Airy in Philadelphia.
Wesley Heights is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Torresdale and Bustleton in Philadelphia.
West Blvd is similar to Roxborough and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Westerly Hills is similar to Torresdale, Northeast Philadelphia and Somerton in Philadelphia.
Westover Hills is similar to Somerton in Philadelphia.
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Wilmore is similar to Fox Chase - Burholme, Bustleton and Holmesburg in Philadelphia.
York Road is similar to Northeast Philadelphia, Wynnefield Heights and Torresdale in Philadelphia.
Yorkmount is similar to Torresdale in Philadelphia.
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