This page shows which neighborhoods in Charlotte are similar to neighborhoods in Las Vegas.
Rents in Charlotte average $1 and are about the same as rents in Las Vegas.
Charlotte's Walk Score is 26, 16 points lower than Las Vegas's 42.
Charlotte has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Charlotte has a Transit Score of 27, Las Vegas's score is 36. Charlotte's Bike Score is 31, Las Vegas's score is 46.
Here are neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina that are similar to Las Vegas, Nevada neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arbor Glen is similar to Elkhorn, Pittman and Providence in Las Vegas.
Ashbrook - Clawson Village is similar to Peccole Ranch, Desert Shores and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Ashley Park is similar to Northwest Area, Peccole Ranch and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Back Creek Church Road is similar to Tule Springs in Las Vegas.
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Ballantyne East is similar to Mira Villas, Peccole Ranch and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Ballantyne West is similar to Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
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Barclay Downs is similar to Rancho Oakey, West Sahara and Gateway District in Las Vegas.
Beatties Ford - Trinity is similar to Mira Villas, Northwest Area and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Becton Park is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Belmont is similar to Charleston Preservation, Desert Shores and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
Beverly Woods is similar to Mira Villas and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
Biddleville is similar to Peccole Ranch, Richfield and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Boulevard Homes is similar to Pittman, Los Prados and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Briarcreek - Woodland is similar to Richfield, Peccole Ranch and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
Brookhill is similar to Meadows, Beverly Green and Crestwood in Las Vegas.
Brown Road is similar to Mira Villas, Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Capitol Drive is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Carmel is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Mira Villas and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Chantilly is similar to Charleston Preservation, Desert Shores and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
Cherry is similar to Beverly Green, Arts District and Gateway District in Las Vegas.
Clanton Park - Roseland is similar to Mira Villas and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Closeburn - Glenkirk is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Coliseum Drive is similar to Northwest Area, Peccole Ranch and Richfield in Las Vegas.
College Downs is similar to Peccole Ranch, Mira Villas and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Collingwood is similar to Peccole Ranch, West Sahara and Richfield in Las Vegas.
Colonial Village is similar to West Sahara, Rancho Oakey and Meadows in Las Vegas.
Commonwealth is similar to West Huntridge, Northwest Area and John S. Park in Las Vegas.
Cotswold is similar to Mira Villas, Peccole Ranch and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Coulwood East is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Coulwood West is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Country Club Heights is similar to The Section Seven, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Davis Lake - Eastfield is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Derita - Statesville is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Mira Villas and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Dilworth is similar to Gateway District, Downtown and Beverly Green in Las Vegas.
Double Oaks is similar to Upland Alta, Charleston Preservation West and Paul Culley in Las Vegas.
Druid Hills North is similar to Northwest Area and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Druid Hills South is similar to Charleston Preservation, Desert Shores and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
East Forest is similar to West Sahara, Mira Villas and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Eastland - Wilora Lake is similar to The Section Seven, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Eastover is similar to Richfield, Peccole Ranch and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Eastway is similar to Mira Villas, Northwest Area and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Echo Hills is similar to Northwest Area, Rancho Oakey and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
Elizabeth is similar to Gateway District, Downtown and Beverly Green in Las Vegas.
Enderly Park is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Farm Pond is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Fourth Ward is similar to Downtown in Las Vegas.
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Foxcroft is similar to Mira Villas, West Sahara and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Freedom Park is similar to Richfield, West Sahara and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Governor's Square is similar to Mira Villas, Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Greenville is similar to Charleston Preservation West, Upland Alta and Paul Culley in Las Vegas.
Grier Heights is similar to West Sahara, Rancho Oakey and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Griers Fork is similar to Mira Villas, Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Hamilton Circle is similar to Los Prados, Painted Desert and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Harris - Houston is similar to Painted Desert, Sun City Summerlin and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Harwood Lane is similar to Tule Springs, Providence and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Hembstead is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Hickory Grove is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Hickory Ridge is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Hidden Valley is similar to The Section Seven, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Highland Creek is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Hwy 51 - Park Road is similar to Painted Desert, Los Prados and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Idlewild Farms is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Idlewild South is similar to Desert Shores, Mira Villas and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
J.T. Williams is similar to Northwest Area, Desert Shores and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Jackson Homes is similar to Los Prados, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Lakewood is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Lansdowne is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Lincoln Heights is similar to Upland Alta, Charleston Preservation West and Elkhorn in Las Vegas.
Lockwood is similar to Rancho Oakey, Gateway District and Arts District in Las Vegas.
Madison Park is similar to West Sahara, Rancho Oakey and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Marlwood is similar to Los Prados, Painted Desert and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Marshbrooke is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
McAlpine is similar to Mira Villas, Peccole Ranch and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
McCrorey Heights is similar to Painted Desert, Los Prados and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Mineral Springs is similar to Mira Villas, Northwest Area and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Montclaire South is similar to West Sahara, Mira Villas and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Montibello is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Mountainbrook is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Myers Park is similar to Desert Shores, Peccole Ranch and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Nevin Community is similar to Los Prados, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Newell is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Newell South is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
North Charlotte is similar to Huntridge Park, West Huntridge and Crestwood in Las Vegas.
North Sharon Amity is similar to West Sahara, Mira Villas and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Oak Forest is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Oakdale South is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Tule Springs in Las Vegas.
Oakhurst is similar to Desert Shores, Northwest Area and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Oaklawn is similar to Elkhorn, Los Prados and Upland Alta in Las Vegas.
Oakview Terrace is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Olde Providence North is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Olde Providence South is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Olde Whitehall is similar to Mira Villas, Northwest Area and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Optimist Park is similar to John S. Park, Huntridge Park and West Huntridge in Las Vegas.
Oxford Hunt is similar to Sun City Summerlin, The Section Seven and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Park Crossing is similar to Sun City Summerlin, The Section Seven and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Pawtuckett is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Pinecrest is similar to Los Prados in Las Vegas.
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Piper Glen Estates is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Plaza Hills is similar to Charleston Preservation West, Paul Culley and Upland Alta in Las Vegas.
Plaza Midwood is similar to Richfield, Charleston Preservation and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
Ponderosa - Wingate is similar to Los Prados, Painted Desert and Elkhorn in Las Vegas.
Prosperity Church Road is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Providence Crossing is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Providence Estates East is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Tule Springs and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Providence Park is similar to Mira Villas, West Sahara and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Providence Plantation is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Tule Springs in Las Vegas.
Provincetowne is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Quail Hollow is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Rain Tree is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Northwest Area and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Reid Park is similar to Los Prados, Painted Desert and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Revolution Park is similar to Elkhorn, Pittman and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Rockwell Park - Hemphill Heights is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Providence in Las Vegas.
Sardis Forest is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Sardis Woods is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Sedgefield is similar to Richfield, Charleston Preservation and Torrey Pines Preservation in Las Vegas.
Seven Eagles is similar to Desert Shores, The Section Seven and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Seversville is similar to Northwest Area, Peccole Ranch and West Huntridge in Las Vegas.
Shamrock is similar to Charleston Preservation, Torrey Pines Preservation and Bracken in Las Vegas.
Shannon Park is similar to Pittman, The Section Seven and Elkhorn in Las Vegas.
Sharon Woods is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Painted Desert in Las Vegas.
Sheffield Park is similar to Richfield, Crestwood and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
Sherwood Forest is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Silverwood is similar to Tule Springs and Providence in Las Vegas.
Smallwood is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Los Prados and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Southside Park is similar to Rancho Oakey, Meadows and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
Starmount is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Starmount Forest is similar to Peccole Ranch, Mira Villas and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
Sterling is similar to Mira Villas, Northwest Area and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Stonehaven is similar to Sun City Summerlin and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Sugaw Creek is similar to Northwest Area, Rancho Oakey and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Sunset Road is similar to Tule Springs, Los Prados and Providence in Las Vegas.
The South End is similar to Gateway District, Arts District and Downtown in Las Vegas.
Third Ward is similar to Gateway District and Downtown in Las Vegas.
Thomasboro - Hoskins is similar to Desert Shores, Northwest Area and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Todd Park is similar to Northwest Area and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.
Toddville Road is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and Los Prados in Las Vegas.
Touchstone Village is similar to Painted Desert, Sun City Summerlin and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Tryon Hills is similar to Richfield, Crestwood and Peccole Ranch in Las Vegas.
University City North is similar to Mira Villas, Peccole Ranch and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
University City South is similar to Rancho Oakey, West Sahara and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
University Park is similar to Desert Shores, Charleston Preservation and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
Villa Heights is similar to Bracken, Hillside Heights and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
Washington Heights is similar to Elkhorn, Upland Alta and Pittman in Las Vegas.
Wedgewood is similar to Mira Villas, Sun City Summerlin and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Wendover - Sedgewood is similar to Mira Villas, Desert Shores and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Wesley Heights is similar to West Sahara, Rancho Oakey and West Huntridge in Las Vegas.
Wessex Square is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Painted Desert and The Section Seven in Las Vegas.
West Blvd is similar to Northwest Area, Sun City Summerlin and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
West Sugar Creek is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Desert Shores and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Westchester is similar to Sun City Summerlin, Mira Villas and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Westerly Hills is similar to Northwest Area, Rancho Oakey and Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
Westover Hills is similar to Painted Desert, The Section Seven and Desert Shores in Las Vegas.
Whiteoak is similar to Mira Villas, Sun City Summerlin and Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
Wildwood is similar to Mira Villas in Las Vegas.
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Wilmore is similar to Crestwood, West Huntridge and Richfield in Las Vegas.
Wilson Heights is similar to Northwest Area in Las Vegas.
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Windsor Park is similar to The Section Seven, Desert Shores and Charleston Preservation in Las Vegas.
York Road is similar to Northwest Area and Rancho Oakey in Las Vegas.
Yorkmount is similar to Mira Villas, Rancho Oakey and West Sahara in Las Vegas.
Yorkshire is similar to Mira Villas and Sun City Summerlin in Las Vegas.