This page shows which neighborhoods in Baltimore are similar to neighborhoods in San Jose.
Rents in Baltimore average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Jose.
Baltimore's Walk Score is 64, 13 points higher than San Jose's 51.
Baltimore has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Baltimore has a Transit Score of 53, San Jose's score is 40. Baltimore's Bike Score is 53, San Jose's score is 62.
Here are neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland that are similar to San Jose, California neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
4X4 is similar to Alvin-Burdette, Country Lane and Bonita-24th in San Jose.
Abell is similar to Sunol-Midtown, St. Leo's and East Virginia in San Jose.
Allendale is similar to Meadows, Hillview North and Vinci South in San Jose.
Arcadia is similar to Barletta-Madeline, The Almaden Villas and Brookwood South in San Jose.
Arlington is similar to Tamien, Sunol-Midtown and Shasta Hanchette Park in San Jose.
Armistead Gardens is similar to Windmill Springs, Tatra and Canoas Garden in San Jose.
Ashburton is similar to Barletta-Madeline, Lombard and Flickinger North in San Jose.
Baltimore Highlands is similar to Edge, David-Rosemary and Tamien in San Jose.
Barclay is similar to St. Leo's, Sunol-Midtown and Auzerais-Josefa in San Jose.
Beechfield is similar to Century-Pebbletree, Cimarron and Little Branham-Rosswood in San Jose.
Belair - Edison is similar to Cory, Baton Rouge and Ohlone in San Jose.
Belair - Parkside is similar to Barletta-Madeline, Townsend and The Almaden Villas in San Jose.
Bellona - Gittings is similar to Upper Sierra, Noble and Locke in San Jose.
Bentalou - Smallwood is similar to Tamien, Washington-Guadalupe and Shasta Hanchette Park in San Jose.
Berea is similar to Suenos, Brooktree and Capitol-Goss in San Jose.