This page shows which neighborhoods in Baltimore are similar to neighborhoods in Nashville.
Rents in Baltimore average $1 and are about the same as rents in Nashville.
Baltimore's Walk Score is 64, 35 points higher than Nashville's 29.
Baltimore has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Baltimore has a Transit Score of 53, Nashville's score is 22. Baltimore's Bike Score is 53, Nashville's score is 30.
Here are neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland that are similar to Nashville, Tennessee neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
4X4 is similar to Germantown, South Nashville and Watkins Park in Nashville.
Abell is similar to Watkins Park, Hope Gardens and Cameron Trimble in Nashville.
Allendale is similar to Lakeridge, McKissack Park and Tomorrow's Hope in Nashville.
Arcadia is similar to Kendall Park, Gillock Street and Davenport Condominiums in Nashville.
Arlington is similar to Hope Gardens, Watkins Park and Germantown in Nashville.
Armistead Gardens is similar to Lakeridge, McKissack Park and Clifton-Southwest in Nashville.
Ashburton is similar to Neighbors of Gibson Drive, Magnolia Hills and Highland Villa Condominiums in Nashville.
Baltimore Highlands is similar to Watkins Park, East End and Historic Edgefield in Nashville.
Barclay is similar to Hope Gardens, Watkins Park and Cameron Trimble in Nashville.
Beechfield is similar to Copperfield, Stratton Heights and Beacon Square in Nashville.
Belair - Edison is similar to South Nashville, Pagoda Condominiums and Watkins Park in Nashville.
Belair - Parkside is similar to Gillock Street, Magnolia Hills and Bellevue Highlands in Nashville.
Bellona - Gittings is similar to Bransford Avenue, Neighbors of Gibson Drive and Nob Hill in Nashville.
Bentalou - Smallwood is similar to Watkins Park, Hope Gardens and Historic Edgefield in Nashville.
Berea is similar to The Highlands, Rosedale and New Edition Community in Nashville.