This page shows which neighborhoods in Baltimore are similar to neighborhoods in Austin.
Rents in Baltimore average $1 and are about the same as rents in Austin.
Baltimore's Walk Score is 64, 22 points higher than Austin's 42.
Baltimore has good public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Baltimore has a Transit Score of 53, Austin's score is 35. Baltimore's Bike Score is 53, Austin's score is 54.
Here are neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland that are similar to Austin, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
4X4 is similar to North Loop, Crestview and Wooten in Austin.
Abell is similar to Central East Austin, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Allendale is similar to Pleasant Valley, University Hills and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Arlington is similar to Crestview, Upper Boggy Creek and Central East Austin in Austin.
Armistead Gardens is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, MLK-183 and University Hills in Austin.
Ashburton is similar to Old Enfield in Austin.
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Baltimore Highlands is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and Holly in Austin.
Barclay is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and North University in Austin.
Beechfield is similar to MLK-183, Pecan Springs Springdale and Circle C Ranch in Austin.
Belair - Edison is similar to West Congress, Crestview and Westgate in Austin.
Bellona - Gittings is similar to Old Enfield and MLK-183 in Austin.
Bentalou - Smallwood is similar to Central East Austin, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Berea is similar to MLK, Rosewood and West Congress in Austin.
Better Waverly is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Bouldin Creek and Central East Austin in Austin.
Beverly Hills is similar to RMMA, West Congress and Govalle in Austin.
Biddle Street is similar to Crestview, West Congress and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Bolton Hill is similar to North University, Hancock and Hyde Park in Austin.
Booth-Boyd is similar to Central East Austin, East Cesar Chavez and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Brewer's Hill is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Bouldin Creek and Hancock in Austin.
Bridgeview-Greenlawn is similar to RMMA, West Congress and MLK in Austin.
Broadway East is similar to Upper Boggy Creek, Hyde Park and Holly in Austin.
Broening is similar to Allandale, Barton Hills and Westgate in Austin.
Brooklyn is similar to West Congress, Govalle and Allandale in Austin.
Burleith - Leighton is similar to Highland, North Shoal Creek and Govalle in Austin.
Butchers Hill is similar to North University, Central East Austin and Hyde Park in Austin.
Callaway - Garrison is similar to Rosewood, MLK and West Congress in Austin.
Cameron Village is similar to Rosewood, Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
Canton is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Bouldin Creek and Hancock in Austin.
Carroll South is similar to RMMA, Johnston Terrace and East Congress in Austin.
Cedarcroft is similar to RMMA, Rosewood and MLK in Austin.
Cedmont is similar to RMMA, West Congress and Govalle in Austin.
Cedonia is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, MLK-183 and Old Enfield in Austin.
Central Forest Park is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and RMMA in Austin.
Central Park Heights is similar to West Congress, Crestview and Sweetbriar in Austin.
Charles North is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and Triangle State in Austin.
Charles Village is similar to Hancock, Bouldin Creek and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Cherry Hill is similar to East Congress, Allandale and Barton Hills in Austin.
Cheswolde is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, Circle C Ranch and MLK-183 in Austin.
Chinquapin Park - Belvedere is similar to Holly, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Chinquapin Run Park is similar to MLK, RMMA and Old Enfield in Austin.
Christopher is similar to RMMA, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Claremont - Freedom is similar to RMMA in Austin.
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Coldstream - Homestead - Montebello is similar to West Congress, Galindo and South Manchaca in Austin.
Coppin Heights is similar to Rosewood, MLK and West Congress in Austin.
Cross Country is similar to MLK-183, Pecan Springs Springdale and University Hills in Austin.
Cross Keys is similar to Gateway, North Burnet and McKinney in Austin.
Curtis Bay is similar to McKinney, Barton Hills and West Austin in Austin.
Cylburn is similar to MLK, University Hills and MLK-183 in Austin.
Darley Park is similar to Hyde Park, Upper Boggy Creek and Holly in Austin.
Dorchester is similar to RMMA, West Congress and MLK in Austin.
Douglas Homes is similar to North University, Hyde Park and Central East Austin in Austin.
Druid Heights is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and Crestview in Austin.
Dunbar is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
East Arlington is similar to MLK, Rosewood and Old Enfield in Austin.
East Baltimore Midway is similar to Upper Boggy Creek, Central East Austin and Crestview in Austin.
Easterwood is similar to Rosewood, Upper Boggy Creek and Hyde Park in Austin.
Edgecomb is similar to Montropolis, MLK and University Hills in Austin.
Edmondson is similar to Old Enfield, Pleasant Valley and MLK in Austin.
Ednor Gardens - Lakeside is similar to West Congress, Galindo and South Manchaca in Austin.
Elwood Park is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and Rosewood in Austin.
Evergreen Lawn is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and MLK in Austin.
Fairmount is similar to MLK-183, Johnston Terrace and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Fallstaff is similar to Crestview, Dawson and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Federal Hill - Montgomery is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Fells Point is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and Triangle State in Austin.
Fifteenth Street is similar to Brentwood, Highland and Triangle State in Austin.
Forest Park is similar to MLK, Old Enfield and RMMA in Austin.
Frankford is similar to Garrison Park, West Congress and RMMA in Austin.
Franklin Square is similar to Upper Boggy Creek, Hyde Park and Holly in Austin.
Franklintown is similar to MLK-183 and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Franklintown Road is similar to West Congress, MLK and Montropolis in Austin.
Garwyn Oaks is similar to MLK, Old Enfield and RMMA in Austin.
Gay Street is similar to Hancock, Brentwood and South River City in Austin.
Glen is similar to West Congress, Allandale and Westgate in Austin.
Glen Oaks is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and Rosewood in Austin.
Glenham - Bedford is similar to RMMA, MLK and Garrison Park in Austin.
Graceland Park is similar to RMMA, Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
Greenspring is similar to Pleasant Valley, MLK and Montropolis in Austin.
Grove Park is similar to RMMA, MLK and Montropolis in Austin.
Guilford is similar to RMMA, West Congress and MLK in Austin.
Gwynns Falls is similar to RMMA, West Congress and West Austin in Austin.
Hampden is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Zilker and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Hanlon Longwood is similar to Old Enfield, Chestnut and MLK in Austin.
Harford - Echodale - Perring Parkway is similar to MLK, RMMA and Garrison Park in Austin.
Harlem Park is similar to Crestview, Upper Boggy Creek and Hyde Park in Austin.
Harwood is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and North University in Austin.
Heritage Crossing is similar to Rosewood in Austin.
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Hillen is similar to MLK, RMMA and Montropolis in Austin.
Hoes Heights is similar to Central East Austin, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Hollins Park is similar to Bouldin Creek, Hancock and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Homeland is similar to RMMA, MLK and West Congress in Austin.
Howard Park is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and RMMA in Austin.
Hudson - Highlandtown is similar to Central East Austin, East Cesar Chavez and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Hunting Ridge is similar to RMMA, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Idlewood is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and University Hills in Austin.
Irvington is similar to RMMA, Johnston Terrace and MLK in Austin.
Johns-Hopkins - Homewood is similar to Bouldin Creek and East Cesar Chavez in Austin.
Johnson Square is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and North Loop in Austin.
Jonestown is similar to Triangle State in Austin.
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Joseph Lee is similar to Central East Austin, Dawson and Holly in Austin.
Keniworth Park is similar to MLK, Old Enfield and RMMA in Austin.
Keswick is similar to RMMA, Govalle and West Congress in Austin.
Lake Evesham is similar to Govalle, Crestview and RMMA in Austin.
Lake Walker is similar to Old Enfield, Rosewood and Chestnut in Austin.
Lakeland is similar to West Congress, Govalle and Westgate in Austin.
Langston Hughes is similar to Crestview, Upper Boggy Creek and Dawson in Austin.
Lauraville is similar to MLK, RMMA and Old Enfield in Austin.
Levindale is similar to Windsor Road, North Burnet and North Shoal Creek in Austin.
Lexington is similar to North Loop, Wooten and Zilker in Austin.
Lexington Terrace is similar to Chestnut in Austin.
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Liberty Square is similar to Govalle and Crestview in Austin.
Little Italy is similar to Downtown in Austin.
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Loch Raven is similar to Allandale, St. Edwards and Westgate in Austin.
Locust Point is similar to Govalle, Gateway and North Burnet in Austin.
Lucille Park is similar to Govalle, RMMA and Crestview in Austin.
Madison - Eastend is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Madison Park is similar to Triangle State, Highland and Hancock in Austin.
Mayfield - Montebello is similar to RMMA, Johnston Terrace and MLK in Austin.
McCulloh Homes is similar to North University, Hyde Park and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
McElderry Park is similar to Chestnut, Rosewood and Hyde Park in Austin.
Medfield is similar to Crestview, West Congress and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Medford is similar to Old Enfield, MLK-183 and MLK in Austin.
Mid-Charles is similar to Allandale, Barton Hills and East Congress in Austin.
Mid-Govans is similar to Holly, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Mid-Town Belvedere is similar to Hancock, Triangle State and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Middle East is similar to Downtown, University of Texas-Austin and Triangle State in Austin.
Midtown Edmondson is similar to Rosewood, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Milton - Montford is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and Hyde Park in Austin.
Mondawmin is similar to North Loop, Crestview and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Moravia - Walther is similar to RMMA, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Morgan State University is similar to RMMA, MLK and Montropolis in Austin.
Morrell Park is similar to Gateway, Govalle and McKinney in Austin.
Mosher is similar to MLK, Rosewood and West Congress in Austin.
Mount Holly is similar to MLK, RMMA and Montropolis in Austin.
Mount Vernon is similar to University of Texas-Austin in Austin.
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Mt. Washington is similar to Johnston Terrace, Southeast Austin and McKinney in Austin.
New North Roland Park - Poplar Hill is similar to MLK-183, MLK and RMMA in Austin.
New Northwood is similar to MLK, Montropolis and Garrison Park in Austin.
North Harford Road is similar to RMMA, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Northwest Community is similar to MLK, Rosewood and Old Enfield in Austin.
O'Donnell Heights is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and RMMA in Austin.
Oakenshawe is similar to University of Texas-Austin and Old West Austin in Austin.
Oldtown is similar to Hancock, South River City and Highland in Austin.
Oliver is similar to Hyde Park, Upper Boggy Creek and Holly in Austin.
Original Northwood is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and MLK-183 in Austin.
Otterbein is similar to Hancock and Bouldin Creek in Austin.
Overlea is similar to Old Enfield in Austin.
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Panway - Braddish is similar to Rosewood, MLK and Chestnut in Austin.
Park Circle is similar to Montropolis, MLK and West Congress in Austin.
Parkside is similar to Old Enfield and Pleasant Valley in Austin.
Patterson Park is similar to Holly, Hyde Park and Rosewood in Austin.
Patterson Place is similar to Chestnut, Rosewood and Holly in Austin.
Pen Lucy is similar to Pleasant Valley, Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
Penn - Fallsway is similar to University of Texas-Austin and West University in Austin.
Penn North is similar to Upper Boggy Creek, Crestview and Holly in Austin.
Perring Loch is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, University Hills and MLK in Austin.
Pimlico is similar to Chestnut, Rosewood and Old Enfield in Austin.
Pleasant View Gardens is similar to Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
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Poppleton is similar to Central East Austin, Hyde Park and North University in Austin.
Pratt Monroe is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and Rosewood in Austin.
Radnor - Winston is similar to Govalle, Crestview and Dawson in Austin.
Ramblewood is similar to RMMA, West Congress and MLK in Austin.
Remington is similar to Triangle State, Bouldin Creek and Highland in Austin.
Reservoir Hill is similar to Sweetbriar, Garrison Park and Hyde Park in Austin.
Richnor Springs is similar to Old Enfield, Rosewood and Chestnut in Austin.
Ridgely's Delight is similar to Downtown and University of Texas-Austin in Austin.
Risterstown Station is similar to Gateway, Highland and Rosedale in Austin.
Riverside is similar to Central East Austin, Holly and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Rognel Heights is similar to West Congress, Garrison Park and RMMA in Austin.
Roland Park is similar to RMMA, Govalle and West Congress in Austin.
Rosebank is similar to East Cesar Chavez, Zilker and Rosedale in Austin.
Rosemont is similar to MLK, Pleasant Valley and Montropolis in Austin.
Rosemont Avenue is similar to RMMA, MLK and Govalle in Austin.
SBIC - West Federal Hill is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and Crestview in Austin.
Saint Agnes is similar to Govalle, Allandale and RMMA in Austin.
Saint Joseph's is similar to University Hills, Pleasant Valley and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Sandtown-Winchester is similar to Hyde Park, Holly and North University in Austin.
Sharp Leadenhall is similar to Bouldin Creek, East Cesar Chavez and Hancock in Austin.
Shipley Hill is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and MLK in Austin.
South Clifton Park is similar to RMMA, Crestview and Govalle in Austin.
Stonewood - Penwood - Winston is similar to Windsor Road, North Shoal Creek and St. Edwards in Austin.
Ten Hills is similar to Johnston Terrace, MLK-183 and RMMA in Austin.
Towanda Park is similar to Old Enfield, Chestnut and Rosewood in Austin.
Tremont is similar to Pleasant Valley, Pecan Springs Springdale and University Hills in Austin.
Tuscany - Cantebury is similar to Riverside, Dawson and Windsor Park in Austin.
Union Square is similar to Holly, Central East Austin and Rosewood in Austin.
University of MD at Baltimore is similar to Downtown in Austin.
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Uplands is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and Pecan Springs Springdale in Austin.
Upper Fells Point is similar to Hyde Park, North University and Holly in Austin.
Upton is similar to Central East Austin, Upper Boggy Creek and Crestview in Austin.
Violetville is similar to Gateway, North Burnet and Windsor Road in Austin.
Wakefield is similar to MLK-183, Circle C Ranch and Johnston Terrace in Austin.
Walbrook is similar to Rosewood, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Waltherson is similar to Rosewood, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Washington Hill is similar to Central East Austin in Austin.
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Washington Village is similar to Central East Austin, North University and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
West Arlington is similar to Old Enfield in Austin.
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West Forest Park is similar to MLK-183 in Austin.
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West Hills is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and MLK-183 in Austin.
West Mulbery is similar to MLK, RMMA and Old Enfield in Austin.
West Pratt is similar to Holly, Rosewood and Hyde Park in Austin.
Western District is similar to RMMA, Rosewood and MLK in Austin.
Westfield is similar to Govalle, West Congress and RMMA in Austin.
Westgate is similar to MLK-183, University Hills and MLK in Austin.
Wilson Heights is similar to Old Enfield, MLK and RMMA in Austin.
Wilson Park is similar to RMMA, MLK and Old Enfield in Austin.
Winchester is similar to Old Enfield and MLK in Austin.
Windsor Hills is similar to MLK-183, Pecan Springs Springdale and Johnston Terrace in Austin.
Winston - Govans is similar to Rosewood, Old Enfield and Chestnut in Austin.
Woodberry is similar to East Congress, North Burnet and McKinney in Austin.
Woodbourne - McCabe is similar to Rosewood, Chestnut and MLK in Austin.
Woodbourne Heights is similar to Govalle, Allandale and Westgate in Austin.
Woodbrook is similar to Upper Boggy Creek, Central East Austin and Crestview in Austin.
Woodmere is similar to Crestview, Govalle and Upper Boggy Creek in Austin.
Woodring is similar to MLK, Old Enfield and RMMA in Austin.
Wyman Park is similar to Holly, Rosewood and RMMA in Austin.
Yale Heights is similar to Pecan Springs Springdale, University Hills and MLK-183 in Austin.