This page shows which neighborhoods in Austin are similar to neighborhoods in San Antonio.
Rents in Austin average $1 and are about the same as rents in San Antonio.
Austin's Walk Score is 42, 5 points higher than San Antonio's 37.
Austin has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Austin has a Transit Score of 35, San Antonio's score is 31. Austin's Bike Score is 54, San Antonio's score is 45.
Here are neighborhoods in Austin, Texas that are similar to San Antonio, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Allandale is similar to Shearer Hills - Ridgeview, Hillcrest and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Barton Hills is similar to Shady Oaks, Park Village and Vance Jackson in San Antonio.
Bouldin Creek is similar to Tobin Hill, Lavaca and Five Points in San Antonio.
Brentwood is similar to Lavaca, Avenida Guadalupe and Tobin Hill in San Antonio.
Central East Austin is similar to Dignowity Hill, Edison and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
Chestnut is similar to Jefferson, Westlawn and Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio.
Circle C Ranch is similar to Braun Station East, Green Spring Valley and Encino Park in San Antonio.
Coronado Hills is similar to Lockhill Estates, Tierra Linda and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Crestview is similar to Dignowity Hill, Alta Vista and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
Dawson is similar to Dignowity Hill, Edison and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
East Cesar Chavez is similar to Tobin Hill, Avenida Guadalupe and Lavaca in San Antonio.
East Congress is similar to Shady Oaks, Vance Jackson and Greater Harmony Hils in San Antonio.
East Oak Hill is similar to Woods of Shavano, Stone Oak and Deerfield in San Antonio.
Franklin Park is similar to Lackland Terrace, Norhmoor and Highland Hills in San Antonio.
Galindo is similar to Norhmoor, St. Mary's Gateway District and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Garrison Park is similar to Loma Vista, Palm Heights and Rolling Ridge Club in San Antonio.
Gateway is similar to Lone Star, Crownhill Park and Oak Hills in San Antonio.
Georgian Acres is similar to Northwest Los Angeles Heights, Lockhill Estates and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
Govalle is similar to Oak Hills, Jefferson Heights and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
Hancock is similar to Five Points, Tobin Hill and Avenida Guadalupe in San Antonio.
Heritage Hills is similar to Lone Star, Greater Harmony Hils and Collins Gardens in San Antonio.
Highland is similar to Tobin Hill, Lavaca and Uptown Loop in San Antonio.
Holly is similar to Edison, Dignowity Hill and Alta Vista in San Antonio.
Hyde Park is similar to Beacon Hill, Edison and Gardendale in San Antonio.
Johnston Terrace is similar to Lower Southeast Side, Pecan Valley and Ingram Hills in San Antonio.
MLK is similar to Cable Westwood, Nevada Street and Quintana in San Antonio.
MLK-183 is similar to Skyline Park, Springvale and Salado Valley in San Antonio.
McKinney is similar to Sun Gate, Shady Oaks and Kentwood Manor in San Antonio.
Montropolis is similar to Eastwood Village, Memorial Heights and Rolling Ridge Club in San Antonio.
North Austin is similar to Northwest Los Angeles Heights, Lockhill Estates and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
North Burnet is similar to Crownhill Park, Lone Star and Harris in San Antonio.
North Lamar is similar to Los Angeles Heights - Keystone, Collins Gardens and Tierra Linda in San Antonio.
North Loop is similar to Los Angeles Heights - Keystone, Avenida Guadalupe and Monte Vista in San Antonio.
North Shoal Creek is similar to Lone Star, Lavaca and Avenida Guadalupe in San Antonio.
North University is similar to Cattleman Square, Los Angeles Heights - Keystone and Beacon Hill in San Antonio.
Northwest Hills - Far West is similar to Stone Oak, The Vineyard and Deerfield in San Antonio.
Old Enfield is similar to Coliseum Willow Park, Dreamland Oaks and Englewood in San Antonio.
Old West Austin is similar to Tobin Hill, Lavaca and Arsenal in San Antonio.
Parker Lane is similar to Highland Hills, Sunshine Estates and Lockhill Estates in San Antonio.
Pecan Springs Springdale is similar to Skyline Park, Springvale and Hot Wells in San Antonio.
Pleasant Valley is similar to Spring Creek, Highland Park and Woodstone in San Antonio.
RMMA is similar to El Chaparral Fertile Valley, Government Hil and Jefferson Heights in San Antonio.
Riverside is similar to Beacon Hill, Gardendale and Alta Vista in San Antonio.
Rosedale is similar to Avenida Guadalupe, Lavaca and Lone Star in San Antonio.
Rosewood is similar to Jefferson, Nevada Street and Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio.
South Lamar is similar to Los Angeles Heights - Keystone, Collins Gardens and Las Palmas in San Antonio.
South Manchaca is similar to St. Mary's Gateway District, Las Palmas and Tierra Linda in San Antonio.
South River City is similar to Avenida Guadalupe, Lavaca and Los Angeles Heights - Keystone in San Antonio.
Southeast Austin is similar to Oakland Estates, Woods of Shavano and Oak Grove in San Antonio.
St. Edwards is similar to Collins Gardens, Lone Star and Oak Hills in San Antonio.
St. Johns is similar to Avenida Guadalupe, Los Angeles Heights - Keystone and Collins Gardens in San Antonio.
Sweetbriar is similar to Norhmoor, Alta Vista and Gardendale in San Antonio.
Triangle State is similar to Tobin Hill, Arsenal and Uptown Loop in San Antonio.
University Hills is similar to Thompson, Hot Wells and Skyline Park in San Antonio.
University of Texas-Austin is similar to Downtown in San Antonio.
Less Similar
More Similar
Upper Boggy Creek is similar to Dignowity Hill, Alta Vista and Edison in San Antonio.
Village at Western Oaks is similar to Ridgestone, Country View and Oakmont Downs in San Antonio.
West Austin is similar to Los Jardines, Stoneleigh - Dellcrest and Oak Park - Northwood in San Antonio.
West Congress is similar to Hillcrest, Alta Vista and Dignowity Hill in San Antonio.
West Oak Hill is similar to Woods of Shavano, Stone Oak and Deerfield in San Antonio.
Westgate is similar to Hillcrest, Las Palmas and Maverick in San Antonio.
Windsor Hills is similar to Highland Hills, Arboretum and East Terrell Hills in San Antonio.
Windsor Park is similar to Las Palmas, Tierra Linda and St. Mary's Gateway District in San Antonio.
Windsor Road is similar to Harris, Uptown Loop and Lone Star in San Antonio.
Wooten is similar to Los Angeles Heights - Keystone, Monte Vista and Avenida Guadalupe in San Antonio.
Zilker is similar to Avenida Guadalupe, Lavaca and Tobin Hill in San Antonio.