This page shows which neighborhoods in Atlanta are similar to neighborhoods in Arlington.
Rents in Atlanta average $1 and are about the same as rents in Arlington.
Atlanta's Walk Score is 48, 10 points higher than Arlington's 38.
Atlanta has some public transportation and does not have many bike lanes. Atlanta has a Transit Score of 44, Arlington's score is 0. Atlanta's Bike Score is 42, Arlington's score is 40.
Here are neighborhoods in Atlanta, Georgia that are similar to Arlington, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Arden - Habersham is similar to Bay Springs, Interlochen West and Interlocken in Arlington.
Bolton Hills is similar to Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Less Similar
More Similar
Collier Heights is similar to Georgetown, Enchanted Lake Estates and Hidden Creek in Arlington.
Fairburn is similar to Bay Springs, Interlocken and Waterwood Estates in Arlington.
Garden Hills is similar to Graham Square and Forest Park Arlington in Arlington.
Rebel Valley Forest is similar to Mckamy Oaks and Shady Valley in Arlington.
Reynoldstown is similar to Graham Square, Forest Park Arlington and Heart of Arlington in Arlington.
Sherwood Forest is similar to Forest Park Arlington, Fielder Park and Mckamy Oaks in Arlington.
Southwest Atlanta is similar to Willow Bend-Thousand Oaks, Millbrook and Williams Place in Arlington.
Summerhill is similar to Woodland West, Lakewood and Highland Park Arlington in Arlington.
Sylvan Hills is similar to Mckamy Oaks, Estates Above Wimbledon and Fielder Park in Arlington.
Venetian Hills is similar to Emerald Park, Forestbrook and Clubview in Arlington.
Washington Park is similar to Lakewood, Parkview and Clubview in Arlington.
Wesley Battle is similar to Bay Springs, Interlocken and Interlochen West in Arlington.
Woodland Hills is similar to Double Y Wooded Estates, Old Town and Estates Above Wimbledon in Arlington.