This page shows which neighborhoods in Albuquerque are similar to neighborhoods in El Paso.
Rents in Albuquerque average $1 and are about the same as rents in El Paso.
Albuquerque's Walk Score is 43, 3 points higher than El Paso's 40.
Albuquerque has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Albuquerque has a Transit Score of 29, El Paso's score is 28. Albuquerque's Bike Score is 61, El Paso's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Albuquerque, New Mexico that are similar to El Paso, Texas neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Academy Acres North is similar to O'Shea Keleher, Quail Run and Vista Hills Park in El Paso.
Academy Estates East is similar to Los Paseos, Williams Park and Lancaster in El Paso.
Academy Hills Park is similar to Delgado Park, Loma Terrace and Loma Park in El Paso.
Academy North is similar to Yucca Village, Zach White and Colonia del Carmen in El Paso.
Academy Park is similar to Southview, Desierto Plaza and Pacific Park in El Paso.
Academy Ridge East is similar to Parkland, Mountain View South and Medina in El Paso.
Alamosa is similar to Beaumont, Highland Park and Irvin in El Paso.
Alban Hills is similar to Lindberg, Yucca Village and El Dorado East in El Paso.
Albuquerque Meadows is similar to Tejas, Stonehaven and Quail Run in El Paso.
Alta Monte is similar to O'Shea Keleher, Village Green and Lincoln Park in El Paso.
Altura Park is similar to Rosedale, Lomas Del Rey and Loma Park in El Paso.
Altura Village is similar to Cielo Vista East, Resler Canyon and San Juan in El Paso.
Alvarado Gardens is similar to Lindberg, East Bank and Montoya Heights in El Paso.
Alvarado Park is similar to Tobin Mount, Manhattan Heights and Pueblo Viejo in El Paso.
Antelope Run is similar to West Green, Thunderbird and Borderland in El Paso.
Arroyo Del Oso North is similar to Montwood, Vista Hills Park and Roberts in El Paso.
Aztec is similar to Yucca Village, Indian Ridge South and El Dorado East in El Paso.
Barelas is similar to Durazno, Virginia and Rim - University in El Paso.
Bear Canyon is similar to Pleasant Hills West, Desierto Plaza and Austin Terrace in El Paso.
Bel-Air is similar to Vista del Sol East, Travis White and Lambka Park in El Paso.
Big Bend is similar to El Dorado East, Mission Hills North and Colonia del Carmen in El Paso.
Boyds-Leslie Park is similar to Manhattan Heights, Sageland and Pebble Hills Park in El Paso.
Broadbent Business Park is similar to Remcon and Pendale in El Paso.
Broadway Central Corridor Partnership is similar to Virginia, Chihuahuita and Five Points East in El Paso.
Candelmen is similar to Pebble Hills Park, Milagro Hills and Sageland in El Paso.
Chelwood Vista is similar to Tierra Humida, Album and Sun Valley West in El Paso.
Cherry Hills is similar to Valle Grande, Los Paseos and Loma Park in El Paso.
Cibola is similar to Montana West, Kohlberg and High Ridge in El Paso.
Cielito Lindo is similar to Mesa Vista, Sunland Park North and Vista Del Sol West in El Paso.
Citizens Imp Comm of Martineztown is similar to Virginia, Five Points East and El Paso High in El Paso.
City View Estates is similar to Mountain View South, Parkland and Arlington Park in El Paso.
Classic Uptown is similar to Milagro Hills, Rushfair and Crestmont in El Paso.
Clayton Heights-Lomas Del Cielo is similar to Upper Mesa Hills, Williams Park and Festival Hills in El Paso.
Conchas Park is similar to Milagro Hills, Pebble Hills Park and Eisenhower's Sahara in El Paso.
Coors Trail is similar to Mountain Ridge, East Bank and Colonia del Carmen in El Paso.
Cottonwood Heights is similar to Shawver Park, Montana West and Cedar Grove in El Paso.
Cottonwood Trails is similar to Mission Hills North, Mountain Ridge and El Dorado East in El Paso.
Countrywood is similar to Las Flores, Mission Hills South and Eisenhower's Sahara in El Paso.
Countrywood Area is similar to Las Flores, Mission Hills South and Rim - University in El Paso.
Crestview Bluff is similar to Las Sierras, Eastwood Heights and Loma Park in El Paso.
Crestview Heights is similar to Mountain Ridge, Valley Creek North and Mission Hills North in El Paso.
Del Norte is similar to Lincoln Park, Timberwolf and South Belvidere in El Paso.
Del Rey is similar to Las Flores, Zach White and Lomas Del Rey in El Paso.
Downtown is similar to Five Points West, Union Plaza and Chihuahuita in El Paso.
Eagle Pointe is similar to Mountain View South, Arlington Park and Parkland in El Paso.
Eagle Ranch is similar to Lancaster, Esper and Prado in El Paso.
East Central Business Park is similar to Valumbrosa, Cielo Vista East and Washington Park in El Paso.
Eastrange-Piedra Vista is similar to Mountain Ridge, Bradley and North Hills West in El Paso.
Eastridge is similar to Eisenhower's Sahara, Three Hills and Cork in El Paso.
Eisenhower Area is similar to Eastwood Heights, Summit Place and Yucca Village in El Paso.
Elder Homstead is similar to Sageland, Manhattan Heights and Ranchland West in El Paso.
Eldorado Heights is similar to Lakehurst, Crestmont and Vista de Oro in El Paso.
Embudo Canyon is similar to Sunset View, Bandolero - Tarascas and Los Paseos in El Paso.
Encanto Village Hoa is similar to Medina, Kohlberg and Clardy Fox in El Paso.
Enchanted Park is similar to Rushfair, Milagro Hills and Military Heights in El Paso.
Estates at Tanoan is similar to Las Placitas del Rey, Mountain Ridge and Mission Hills North in El Paso.
Fair Heights is similar to Vista del Sol East, Five Points East and Virginia in El Paso.
Fair West is similar to Five Points East, El Paso High and Magoffin in El Paso.
Foothill Estates is similar to Indian Ridge South, Yucca Village and Cedar Grove in El Paso.
Four Hills Mhp is similar to Valle Grande, Hidden Valley and Stiles Garden in El Paso.
Four Hills Village is similar to The Willows, East Bank and West Valley in El Paso.
Gavilan is similar to Travis White, Resler Canyon and Normandy Park in El Paso.
Glenwood Hills is similar to Valle Grande, Delgado Park and Los Paseos in El Paso.
Glenwood Hills South Casa Grande is similar to Montana West, Clardy Fox and Vista del Prado in El Paso.
Grande Heights is similar to Las Flores, Mission Hills South and Pacific Park in El Paso.
Grandview Heights is similar to Lafayette Place, Scotsdale and Ranchland West in El Paso.
Greater Gardner is similar to Las Flores, Lomas Del Rey and Mission Hills South in El Paso.
Guadalupe Village is similar to Williams Park, Cork and Rosedale Farms in El Paso.
Heritage East is similar to Americas, Colonia del Valle and Sun Valley West in El Paso.
Heritage Hills is similar to Loma Terrace, Delgado Park and Valle Grande in El Paso.
High Desert is similar to Devil's Tower, Sunset and Thunderbird in El Paso.
Highland Business is similar to Five Points East, Five Points West and Virginia in El Paso.
Highlands North is similar to El Dorado East, Lindberg and Yucca Village in El Paso.
Hodgin is similar to Buena Vista, Village Green and Lambka Park in El Paso.
Hoffmantown is similar to Pebble Hills Park, Eisenhower's Sahara and Sageland in El Paso.
Holiday Park is similar to Cork, Williams Park and Three Hills in El Paso.
Huning Castle is similar to Tobin Mount, Pueblo Viejo and Mission Hills South in El Paso.
Huning Highland Historic District is similar to Virginia, Five Points East and Chihuahuita in El Paso.
Indian Moon is similar to Eisenhower's Sahara, Sageland and Pebble Hills Park in El Paso.
Inez is similar to Rushfair, Durazno and Vista Del Sol West in El Paso.
Jackson Area is similar to Milagro Hills, Pebble Hills Park and Rushfair in El Paso.
Jade Park is similar to Three Hills, Delgado Park and Falcon Hills in El Paso.
Jeanne Bellamah East is similar to Rushfair, Milagro Hills and Pebble Hills Park in El Paso.
Jerry Cline Park is similar to Cielo Vista North, South Belvidere and Cielo Vista East in El Paso.
John B. Robert is similar to Valley Creek North, Kohlberg and Lindberg in El Paso.
Juan Tabo Hills is similar to East Bank, The Willows and West Valley in El Paso.
Kachina Hills is similar to North Hills West, Valley Creek North and Apollo Heights East in El Paso.
Kirtland Community is similar to Remcon, Pendale and Resler Canyon in El Paso.
La Luz is similar to Lomas Del Rey, Las Flores and Rosedale in El Paso.
La Luz Del Sol is similar to Festival Hills, Penrose and Upper Mesa Hills in El Paso.
La Mesa is similar to Pershing - Government Hill, Ridgecrest and Timberwolf in El Paso.
La Reina De Los Altos is similar to Military Heights, Marty Robbins South and Vista de Oro in El Paso.
La Sala Grande is similar to Cork, Rosedale Farms and Pico Norte in El Paso.
Ladera West is similar to High Ridge, Bear Ridge and Lindberg in El Paso.
Las Lomita is similar to Lindberg, Valley Creek North and El Dorado East in El Paso.
Las Terrazas is similar to Williams Park, Three Hills and Restlawn in El Paso.
Laurelwoods is similar to Northtowne Village, Park Foothills and Parkland in El Paso.
Lee Acres is similar to Zach White, Montoya Heights and Colonia del Carmen in El Paso.
Loma Del Rey is similar to Mesa Vista, Vista Del Sol West and Lincoln Park in El Paso.
Los Alamos is similar to Las Flores, Mission Hills South and Lomas Del Rey in El Paso.
Los Alamos Civic is similar to Las Flores, Lomas Del Rey and Borderland in El Paso.
Los Duranes is similar to Yucca Village, Lindberg and Zach White in El Paso.
Los Griegos is similar to Valle Grande, Loma Park and Bandolero - Tarascas in El Paso.
Los Jardines is similar to Eisenhower's Sahara, Pebble Hills Park and Sageland in El Paso.
Los Poblanos is similar to El Dorado East, Zach White and Mission Hills North in El Paso.
Los Volcanes is similar to Desierto Plaza, Pleasant Hills West and Montwood in El Paso.
Louisiana Purchase Condominiums is similar to Las Flores in El Paso.
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More Similar
Manzano Mesa is similar to Clardy Fox, Yucca Village and Indian Ridge South in El Paso.
Matheson Park is similar to Milagro Hills, Rushfair and Pebble Hills Park in El Paso.
Matthew Meadows is similar to Valley Creek North, East Bank and Lindberg in El Paso.
McKinley is similar to Pico Norte, Irvin and Terrace Hills in El Paso.
Mesa Airriba is similar to Milagro Hills, Pebble Hills Park and Eisenhower's Sahara in El Paso.
Mesa Village is similar to Lafayette Place, Falcon Hills and Montclair in El Paso.
Mirabella is similar to Medina, Parkland and Clardy Fox in El Paso.
Monkbridge Gardens is similar to Eisenhower's Sahara, Cork and Vista de Oro in El Paso.
Montgomery Heights is similar to Vista de Oro, Crestmont and Milagro Hills in El Paso.
Montogmery Park is similar to Durazno, Vista del Sol East and Rushfair in El Paso.
Mossman is similar to Mission Hills North, El Dorado East and Apollo Heights West in El Paso.
Near North Valley is similar to Montwood, Vista de Oro and Crestmont in El Paso.
Netherwood Park is similar to Montwood, Valumbrosa and Washington Park in El Paso.
Nob Hill is similar to Virginia, Magoffin and Five Points East in El Paso.
Nor Este is similar to Los Paseos, Esper and Upper Mesa Hills in El Paso.
North Campus is similar to Tejas, Stonehaven and Resler Canyon in El Paso.
North Domingo Baca is similar to Pleasant Hills West, Desierto Plaza and Austin Terrace in El Paso.
North Easterns is similar to Lambka Park, Travis White and Lincoln Park in El Paso.
North Four Hills is similar to Lomas Del Rey, Stiles Garden and Pleasant Valley in El Paso.
North Hills is similar to Montwood, Vista Hills and Roberts in El Paso.
North Wyoming is similar to Vista de Oro, Lakehurst and Sun Ridge South in El Paso.
Northridge is similar to Rosedale, Loma Park and Delgado Park in El Paso.
Onate is similar to Sunrise Acres, Shawver Park and Loma Park in El Paso.
Oso Grande is similar to Austin Terrace, Desierto Plaza and Ridge in El Paso.
Osuna Park Inc is similar to Vista de Oro, Crestmont and Cork in El Paso.
Paloma Del Sol is similar to Colonia del Carmen, Montoya Heights and Zach White in El Paso.
Panorama Heights is similar to Marty Robbins North, Pebble Hills South and Indian Ridge East in El Paso.
Paradise Greens is similar to Colonia del Carmen, Montoya Heights and Lindberg in El Paso.
Paradise Heights is similar to El Dorado East, Mission Hills North and Valley Creek North in El Paso.
Paradise Hills Civic is similar to West Green, Los Paseos and Borderland in El Paso.
Paradise Terrace is similar to Lindberg, Colonia del Carmen and Montoya Heights in El Paso.
Parkland Hills is similar to Tobin Mount, Manhattan Heights and Pueblo Viejo in El Paso.
Parkway is similar to Bradley, North Hills West and Cooperstown in El Paso.
Pat Hurley is similar to Restlawn, Rosedale Farms and South Loop in El Paso.
Peppertree-Royal Oak is similar to Montana West, High Ridge and Thomas Manor in El Paso.
Piedras Marcadas is similar to Las Flores, Lomas Del Rey and Three Hills in El Paso.
Plaza Vieja is similar to Mission Hills South, Rim - University and Tobin Mount in El Paso.
Princess Jeanne is similar to Travis White, Vista del Sol East and Normandy Park in El Paso.
Prospectors Ridge is similar to Kohlberg, Montana West and Veteran's Park in El Paso.
Quail Ridge is similar to Indian Ridge South, Yucca Village and Eastwood Heights in El Paso.
Quail Springs is similar to Valle Grande, Shawver Park and Sunset View in El Paso.
Quaker Heights is similar to Thunderbird, High Ridge and Bandolero - Tarascas in El Paso.
Quigley Park is similar to Vista del Sol East, Travis White and Durazno in El Paso.
Quintessence is similar to Bear Ridge, Veteran's Park and High Ridge in El Paso.
Rancho Sereno is similar to Delgado Park, Stiles Garden and Pleasant Valley in El Paso.
Renaissance is similar to Remcon, Resler Canyon and Cielo Vista East in El Paso.
Richland Hills is similar to Yucca Village, Summit Place and Eastwood Heights in El Paso.
Rio Grande Blvd is similar to Los Paseos, Borderland and Three Hills in El Paso.
Rio Grande Compound is similar to Mountain Hills in El Paso.
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More Similar
Riverfronte Estates Inc is similar to Southview in El Paso.
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More Similar
Riverview Estates is similar to Tierra Rica, Mission Hills North and Bradley in El Paso.
Riverview Heights is similar to Montoya Heights, Colonia del Carmen and Lindberg in El Paso.
S Y Jackson is similar to Williams Park, Lancaster and Falcon Hills in El Paso.
S.r. Marmon is similar to Indian Ridge East, Pecan Grove and Marty Robbins North in El Paso.
San Antonio Condominiums is similar to Lindberg, Yucca Village and Zach White in El Paso.
San Gabriel is similar to Mesa Vista, Sunland Park North and Stone Ridge in El Paso.
Sandia High School Area is similar to Pebble Brook, Three Hills and Ranchland West in El Paso.
Sandia Ridge is similar to San Juan, Valumbrosa and Cielo Vista East in El Paso.
Sandia Ridge East is similar to Stiles Garden, Pleasant Valley and Valle Grande in El Paso.
Santa Barbara-Martineztown is similar to Remcon, Resler Canyon and Cielo Vista East in El Paso.
Saragossa is similar to El Dorado East, Mission Hills North and Mountain Ridge in El Paso.
Sawmill Area is similar to Washington Park, Valumbrosa and Durazno in El Paso.
Seven Bar North is similar to Shawver Park, Thomas Manor and Bandolero - Tarascas in El Paso.
Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Washington Park, Valumbrosa and Montwood in El Paso.
Seville is similar to High Ridge, Bear Ridge and Sunset in El Paso.
Shadow Hills is similar to Mission Hills South, Las Flores and Rim - University in El Paso.
Siesta Hills is similar to Washington Park, Rim - University and Restlawn in El Paso.
Silver Hill is similar to Five Points West, Five Points East and Chihuahuita in El Paso.
Singing Arrow is similar to Ridgecrest, South Belvidere and Angel's Triangle in El Paso.
Skies West is similar to North Hills East, Apollo Heights East and Northtowne Village in El Paso.
Skyview West is similar to Remcon, Resler Canyon and Cielo Vista East in El Paso.
Snow Heights is similar to Crestmont, Vista de Oro and Ridgecrest in El Paso.
Sombra Del Monte is similar to Vista Del Sol West, Rushfair and Montwood in El Paso.
Sonora is similar to North Hills West, Apollo Heights East and Pleasant Hills East in El Paso.
South Broadway is similar to Pebble Hills Park, Eisenhower's Sahara and Sageland in El Paso.
South Guadalupe Trail is similar to Colonia del Carmen, Montoya Heights and Zach White in El Paso.
South Los Altos is similar to Beaumont, Highland Park and Crestmont in El Paso.
South San Pedro is similar to El Paso High, Eucalyptus and Magoffin in El Paso.
Southeast Heights is similar to Summit Place, Eastwood Heights and Yucca Village in El Paso.
Spruce Park is similar to Mission Hills South, Rim - University and Restlawn in El Paso.
Stardust Skies North is similar to Rushfair, Milagro Hills and Military Heights in El Paso.
Stardust Skies Park is similar to Montwood, Rushfair and Vista Del Sol West in El Paso.
Stonebridge Pointe is similar to North Hills East, Apollo Heights East and Northtowne Village in El Paso.
Story Rock is similar to Mountain Ridge, Shearman and Valley Creek North in El Paso.
Stronghurst is similar to Upper Mesa Hills, Williams Park and Restlawn in El Paso.
Summit Park is similar to Pebble Hills Park, Manhattan Heights and Eisenhower's Sahara in El Paso.
Sun North Estates is similar to Esper, Los Paseos and Lancaster in El Paso.
Supper Rock is similar to Loma Park, Colonia del Carmen and Rosedale in El Paso.
Sycamore is similar to Five Points West, Union Plaza and Golden Hill in El Paso.
Tanoan Comm is similar to Bear Ridge, High Ridge and Kohlberg in El Paso.
Tanoan East is similar to High Ridge, Thunderbird and Bandolero - Tarascas in El Paso.
Taylor Ranch is similar to Esper, Los Paseos and Sunset View in El Paso.
Thomas Village is similar to El Dorado East, Lindberg and Valley Creek North in El Paso.
Thomas Village Patio is similar to Apollo Heights West, Pleasant Hills East and Mission Hills North in El Paso.
Tierra Oeste is similar to North Hills West, Bradley and Cooperstown in El Paso.
Towne Park is similar to South Loop, Pleasant Valley and Rosedale Farms in El Paso.
Trails at Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Penrose, Desierto Plaza and Upper Mesa Hills in El Paso.
Trumbull Village is similar to Irvin, Beaumont and Morningside Heights in El Paso.
Tuscany is similar to Montana West, Clardy Fox and Vista del Prado in El Paso.
University Heights is similar to Chihuahuita, El Paso High and Five Points East in El Paso.
Uptown is similar to Stonehaven, Five Points West and Tejas in El Paso.
Ventana Ranch is similar to Northtowne Village, Kohlberg and Park Foothills in El Paso.
Victory Hills is similar to Lakehurst, Sun Ridge South and Sunrise Acres East in El Paso.
Villa De Paza is similar to Lomas Del Rey, Pebble Brook and Ranchland East in El Paso.
Vineyard Estates is similar to Loma Park, Sunrise Acres and Shawver Park in El Paso.
Vista Del Mundo is similar to Mountain Ridge, Valley Creek North and Kohlberg in El Paso.
Vista Del Norte Alliance is similar to Chaparral Park North, Bandolero - Tarascas and High Ridge in El Paso.
Vista Grande is similar to Williams Park, Three Hills and Restlawn in El Paso.
Vista Magnifica is similar to Lindberg, Montoya Heights and Colonia del Carmen in El Paso.
Wells Park is similar to Durazno, Washington Park and Valumbrosa in El Paso.
West Bluff is similar to Travis White, Vista Del Sol West and Normandy Park in El Paso.
West Mesa is similar to Manhattan Heights, Sambrano and Collingsworth in El Paso.
West Old Town is similar to Mission Hills South, Las Flores and Restlawn in El Paso.
West Park is similar to Mission Hills South, Rim - University and Las Flores in El Paso.
Westgate Vecinos is similar to Medina, Parkland and Northtowne Village in El Paso.
Wildflower Area is similar to Southview in El Paso.
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More Similar
Willow Wood is similar to High Ridge, Montana West and Thomas Manor in El Paso.
Winrock South is similar to Valumbrosa, Cielo Vista East and San Juan in El Paso.
Winterwood Park is similar to Las Placitas del Rey, Mountain Ridge and Mission Hills North in El Paso.
Zuni is similar to Rushfair, Durazno and Milagro Hills in El Paso.