This page shows which neighborhoods in Albuquerque are similar to neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Rents in Albuquerque average $1 and are about the same as rents in Atlanta.
Albuquerque's Walk Score is 43, 5 points lower than Atlanta's 48.
Albuquerque has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Albuquerque has a Transit Score of 29, Atlanta's score is 44. Albuquerque's Bike Score is 61, Atlanta's score is 42.
Here are neighborhoods in Albuquerque, New Mexico that are similar to Atlanta, Georgia neighborhoods.
Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!
Academy Estates East is similar to Wildwood, East Atlanta and Cross Creek in Atlanta.
Academy Hills Park is similar to Peachtree Battle, Springlake and The Villages at Carver in Atlanta.
Academy North is similar to Collier Hills, Springlake and Peachtree Battle in Atlanta.
Aztec is similar to Pomona Park, Springlake and Westview in Atlanta.
Cottonwood Corners is similar to Blandtown in Atlanta.
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Cottonwood Mall is similar to Blandtown in Atlanta.
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Highlands North is similar to High Point, Betmar Lavilla and Collier Heights in Atlanta.
La Luz is similar to Collier Hills, Peachtree Battle and Springlake in Atlanta.
Paradise Terrace is similar to Hanover West, Kings Forest and Thomasville Heights in Atlanta.
Saltillo is similar to Audobon Forest West in Atlanta.
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Seven Bar North is similar to Cross Creek, Thomasville Heights and Baker Hills in Atlanta.
Seven Bar Ranch is similar to East Chastain Park, Underwood Hills and South Atlanta in Atlanta.
Seville is similar to Ben Hill Terrace, Carey Park and Thomasville Heights in Atlanta.
Stonebridge Pointe is similar to Fairburn Mays, Amal Heights and Memorial Park in Atlanta.
Trails at Seven Bar Ranch is similar to Morningside - Lenox Park, Joyland and Chosewood Park in Atlanta.