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Living in Downtown Dallas

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Dallas with 6,074 residents.

Downtown has excellent public transportation and is very bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Cedars, Bryan Place, Deep Ellum, Oak Lawn, Roseland, Lake Cliff and Edgewood.

Nearby Downtown Apartments on Redfin

92 Walk Score of Downtown, Dallas, TX

Downtown is a Walker’s Paradise

Daily errands do not require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Dallas Chop House in Downtown, Dallas

Dallas Chop House

Photo of J. Erik Jonsson Central Library in Downtown, Dallas

J. Erik Jonsson Central Library

Daily errands do not require a car in Downtown Dallas.

Downtown is the most walkable neighborhood in Dallas with a Walk Score of 92.

Find apartments in Dallas's most walkable neighborhoods: Downtown, Henderson and Oak Lawn.

Downtown Dallas Apartments for Rent

Downtown Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Downtown to other Dallas neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Downtown 92 85 75 6,074
2 Henderson 87 43 66 3,504
3 Oak Lawn 85 60 76 23,734

Moving to Dallas from another city?

thumbnail for Dallas Farmers MarketCheck out this farmers market’s fair-like atmosphere. From fresh, local produce, live performances and a giant pumpkin patch in the fall, this place has entertainment for the whole family. #farmersmarket Photo: Dallas Farmers Market

Walk Score Team
on Dallas Farmers Market

85 Transit Score of Downtown, Dallas, TX

Downtown has Excellent Transit

Transit is convenient for most trips. Find Downtown Dallas apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Downtown has excellent public transportation and about 1 cable car, 27 bus, 1 rail and 4 light rail lines passing through it.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Downtown on public transit.

Neighborhood Guides

Thinking of renting an apartment or buying in Downtown Dallas? Ask our neighborhood guides a question.

Brian C

I live in downtown Dallas and think it's a great place to live.

Ask Brian about Downtown

Photo of Sixth Floor Museum Shop in Downtown, Dallas

Sixth Floor Museum Shop

Photo of Fountain Place in Downtown, Dallas

Fountain Place

Photo of Founder's Plaza in Downtown, Dallas

Founder's Plaza

75 Bike Score of Downtown, Dallas, TX

Downtown is Very Bikeable

Biking is convenient for most trips.


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Photo of Sixth Floor Museum Shop in Downtown, Dallas

Sixth Floor Museum Shop

Photo of Sixth Floor Museum Shop in Downtown, Dallas

Sixth Floor Museum Shop

Photo of Fountain Place in Downtown, Dallas

Fountain Place

Photo of Main Street Garden in Downtown, Dallas

Main Street Garden

Photo of Harwood Center in Downtown, Dallas

Harwood Center

Photo of Chop House Burger in Downtown, Dallas

Chop House Burger

thumbnail for Sixth Floor Museum ShopBook depository from where JFK was shot. #westendhistoricdistrict

Vinnie Mosquera
on Sixth Floor Museum Shop

Photo of Booker T. Washington High School in Downtown, Dallas

Booker T. Washington High School

Photo of Founder's Plaza in Downtown, Dallas

Founder's Plaza

Photo of Renaissance Pyramid in Downtown, Dallas

Renaissance Pyramid

Photo of Pegasus Plaza in Downtown, Dallas

Pegasus Plaza

thumbnail for Sixth Floor Museum ShopBuilding where JFK's assassinator shot JFK from the 6th floor. The building is now a museum that tells a lot of history about JFK and the assassination.

Brian C
on Sixth Floor Museum Shop

Photo of Main And Ervay Streets in Downtown, Dallas

Main And Ervay Streets

Photo of Camden Farmers Market Way in Downtown, Dallas

Camden Farmers Market Way

Photo of Camden Farmers Market Way in Downtown, Dallas

Camden Farmers Market Way

thumbnail for Fountain PlaceThese fantastic waterfalls are a hidden gem. After dusk they make it such a relaxing and peaceful place. Not to mention that it has a romantic feel to it and i have actually seen people get married here.

Brian C
on Fountain Place

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