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Living in Gateway West Sacramento

Gateway West is the 66th most walkable neighborhood in Sacramento with 7,912 residents.

Gateway West has minimal public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

Nearby neighborhoods: Natomas Crossing, Metro Center, Sundance Lake, Frates Ranch, Willow Creek, RP Sports Compex and Creekside.

Nearby Gateway West Apartments on Redfin

18 Walk Score of Gateway West, Sacramento, CA

Gateway West is a Car-Dependent neighborhood

Almost all errands require a car.

Almost all errands require a car in Gateway West Sacramento.

Gateway West is the 66th most walkable neighborhood in Sacramento with a Walk Score of 18.

Find apartments in Sacramento's most walkable neighborhoods: Midtown, Downtown and Hollywood Park.

Gateway West Sacramento Apartments for Rent

Gateway West Neighborhood Ranking

Compare Gateway West to other Sacramento neighborhoods.




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


64 Little Pocket 21 21 54 1,054
65 Sundance Lake 20 19 57 4,868
66 Gateway West 18 6 57 7,912
67 Willow Creek 18 17 61 4,113
68 Westlake 13 18 52 3,182

Moving to Sacramento from another city?

Eating & Drinking

There are about 5 restaurants, bars and coffee shops in Gateway West.

People in Gateway West can walk to an average of 0.1 restaurants, bars and coffee shops in 5 minutes.

Restaurant Choices Map

= More Choices

57 Bike Score of Gateway West, Sacramento, CA

Gateway West is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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