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Moving to Mesa from Dallas BETA

This page shows which neighborhoods in Mesa are similar to neighborhoods in Dallas.

Rents in Mesa average $1 and are about the same as rents in Dallas.

Mesa's Walk Score is 38, 8 points lower than Dallas's 46.

Mesa has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable. Mesa has a Transit Score of 27, Dallas's score is 39. Mesa's Bike Score is 60, Dallas's score is 49.

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Similar Neighborhoods

Here are neighborhoods in Mesa, Arizona that are similar to Dallas, Texas neighborhoods.

Similarity is based on walkability, public transit, population density, rent, income, and social signals. Don't take our analysis too seriously because similarity is in the eye of the beholder!

Alma Gardens Trailer Park is similar to Lake Park Estates, Fredrick Douglas and En'Core in Dallas.

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Alma Park Apartments is similar to El Tivoli Place, Mount Auborn and Beverly Hills in Dallas.

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Boulder Mountain Highlands is similar to Rylie, White Rock and Mountain Creek in Dallas.

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Boys and Girls in the Hood is similar to Old Mill Court, Claremont and Lakewood Heights in Dallas.

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Bridgewood Townhomes is similar to Claremont, Old Mill Court and Lakewood Heights in Dallas.

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Brookfield East is similar to Kimball, Ledbetter Gardens and Eastwood Estates in Dallas.

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Buckhorn is similar to Midway Hollow, Hollywood Santa Monica and Pleasant Grove in Dallas.

C.A.N.D.O. is similar to Botello, M Streets and Old East Dallas in Dallas.

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Carriage Manor is similar to Casa Linda, Preston Hollow North and Northwood Hills in Dallas.

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Casa Mesa is similar to Beverly Hills, El Tivoli Place and Estates West in Dallas.

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Casa Mesa East is similar to Mount Auborn, Beverly Hills and Kessler Plaza in Dallas.

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Casa Mia is similar to Ledbetter Gardens, South East Dallas and Briarwood in Dallas.

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Citrus is similar to Mountain Creek, Rylie and White Rock in Dallas.

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Comite de Families en Accion is similar to Riverway Estates-Bruton Terrace, Highlands of McKamy and Buckner Terrace in Dallas.

Concord Village is similar to Greenway Park, Melshire Estates and Westhollow in Dallas.

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