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Living in Spokane

Spokane has an average Walk Score of 49 with 208,916 residents.

Spokane has some public transportation and is somewhat bikeable.

The most walkable Spokane neighborhoods are Riverside, Emerson Garfield and Cliff Cannon.

Nearby Spokane Apartments on Redfin

49 Walk Score of Spokane, WA

Spokane is a Car-Dependent city

Most errands require a car.

Walk Score Map

Photo of Love Letter to Spokane in Spokane

Love Letter to Spokane

Photo of Riverbend Overlook in Spokane

Riverbend Overlook

Most errands require a car in Spokane.

Spokane Apartments for Rent

Spokane Neighborhoods




Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


1 Riverside 91 68 77 2,826
2 Emerson Garfield 74 42 60 7,996
3 Cliff Cannon 71 54 51 6,584
4 Logan 70 42 69 10,459
5 Northtown 68 42 50 12,063
6 West Central 65 43 61 8,157
7 Nevada - Lidgerwood 60 37 52 28,835
8 Peaceful Valley 60 58 59 725
9 Bemiss 56 36 56 7,917
10 East Central 52 39 55 11,729
11 Whitman 51 32 56 7,646
12 Chief Garry Park 50 39 66 5,951
13 Rockwood 45 36 43 4,082
14 Northwest Spokane 44 32 51 22,716
15 Manito 42 35 51 6,446
16 Comstock 42 32 56 4,845
17 Lincoln Heights 41 34 36 14,186
18 Balboa 31 30 39 5,728
19 West Spokane 11 35 32 2,239
20 Latah Valley 7 12 16 4,995

thumbnail for Woman's Club of SpokaneNon profits rent this beautiful historic clubhouse at reduced rates for dance, art happenings, fundraising, orientations, seminars. Families rent this facility, for weddings, memorial services, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations etc.

Rosemary Small
on Woman's Club of Spokane

36 Transit Score of Spokane, WA

Spokane has Some Transit

A few nearby public transportation options. Find Spokane apartments for rent on Redfin.

Public Transit Routes

Spokane has some public transportation and about 40 bus lines.

Transit Time

The map above shows how far you can travel in 30 minutes from Spokane on public transit.

52 Bike Score of Spokane, WA

Spokane is Bikeable

Some bike infrastructure.


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Photo of Centennial Trail in Spokane

Centennial Trail

Photo of Paper And Cup in Spokane

Paper And Cup

Photo of Mom's Custom Tattoo & Body Piercing in Spokane

Mom's Custom Tattoo & Body Piercing

Photo of Kendall Yards Community Gardens in Spokane

Kendall Yards Community Gardens

Photo of Al's Cube in Spokane

Al's Cube

Photo of So It Flows in Spokane

So It Flows

Photo of Millenium Mobius in Spokane

Millenium Mobius

Photo of Parliament of Hares in Spokane

Parliament of Hares

Photo of Fish Eye View in Spokane

Fish Eye View

Photo of Park Lodge in Spokane

Park Lodge

Spokane is Talking About...

spokane hoopfest coffee eating school washington car river park square team hoopfest beer riverfront park walk downtown job sleep movie davenport hotel drinking downtown spokane playing

Spokane is all about:

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Photo of 1899 House Bed and Breakfast in Spokane

1899 House Bed and Breakfast

Photo of Spa Paradiso in Spokane

Spa Paradiso

Photo of Bulldozer in Spokane


Photo of Mixed Forms in Spokane

Mixed Forms

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