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Cities in Maine

The 9 largest cities in Maine (the most populous cities in ME are Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor) have an average Walk Score of 39. The best cities in Maine ranked by Walk Score are Portland, Lewiston, and South Portland, while the least walkable cities are Saco, Augusta, and Westbrook.

Follow the links for city maps, photos, and all neighborhoods.

The list of Maine cities below is sorted by Walk Score, but can also be sorted by population or alphabetically (click table's heading to sort).


Zip Code

Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


Portland (the largest city in Maine) 04103 62 4 68 66,194
Lewiston 04240 46 -- 41 36,592
Bangor 40 -- 36 33,039
South Portland 04106 44 -- 61 25,002
Auburn 04210 35 -- 31 23,055
Biddeford 42 -- 42 21,277
Augusta 27 -- 30 19,136
Saco 04072 24 -- 38 18,482
Westbrook 04092 31 -- 46 17,494