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Cities in Manitoba

The 11 largest cities in Manitoba (the most populous cities in CA-MB are Winnipeg, Brandon, and Steinbach) have an average Walk Score of 33. The best cities in Manitoba ranked by Walk Score are Winnipeg, Selkirk, and Brandon, while the least walkable cities are The Pas, Flin Flon (Part), and Morden.

Follow the links for city maps, photos, and all neighborhoods.

The list of Manitoba cities below is sorted by Walk Score, but can also be sorted by population or alphabetically (click table's heading to sort). Find out how Walk Score works.


Zip Code

Walk Score

Transit Score

Bike Score


Winnipeg (the largest city in Manitoba) 48 51 61 663,617
Brandon 40 -- 57 46,061
Steinbach 31 -- 45 13,524
Portage la Prairie 32 -- 39 12,996
Thompson 32 -- 10 12,829
Winkler 32 -- 45 10,670
Selkirk 43 -- 44 9,834
Dauphin 40 -- 6 8,251
Morden 26 -- 36 7,812
The Pas 14 -- 2 5,513
Flin Flon (Part) 23 -- 3 5,363